The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Poppet Magick

Poppets are dolls of people that you can make out of wax, cloth, clay, etc. Poppet magick in Wicca ISN'T VOODOO! Poppets are used for healing, romance, protection, and other good things. Poppet magick is to be performed on another person ONLY if you have their consent first, otherwise you are messing with their free will which is dark magick. You can also make one for yourself, I did that to help bring myself good dreams so I could get a feel for dream walking. I suppose that doing a healing spell on somebody without their consent isn't dark magick, but it is still important to have a person's permission before you perform a spell on or for them. If you use the dolls for harmful purposes or without asking them then it is essentially the same thing as voodoo and is considered dark magick. Whatever you do shall come back to you threefold, meaning that if you harm somebody then you will only get the worse end of it.

Making poppets are quite simple actually. All you need are supplies to make the doll, such as clay, wax, cloth, etc. Since the only kind of poppet I have ever made was made out of cloth that is what I will teach you how to make today.

First, what you will need is some fabric of some kind, a needle and thread, stuffing, scissors, and a few other optional supplies that I will specify later. First, put the two pieces of cloth back to back and draw a basic human shape, it can look like a gingerbread man. Then, cut out the design, making sure that the fabric is back to back so that the two pieces you cut are identical. Then, sew up the fabric along the edge but leave a small opening in it somewhere to stuff it with.

Depending on your purpose, you can add extra supplies to help such as herbs, crystals, runes, etc. For my poppet I added herbs that matched my purpose and stitched runes onto the fabric. You will also want something of the person you are making the doll for. This can be a hair from them, a fingernail clipping, a personal belonging, even a photo. If you don't have any of these things then you can just write their name on a piece of paper and stuff it inside or stitch their name onto the outside of the doll.

Once you have added everything you need to the doll, sew it up. If you are planning on stitching something on the outside then this would be a good time to do that. You might want to make the doll resemble the person if you don't have anything from them, but this is also optional. You might just want to decorate it with hair, eyes, whatever. Once your doll is finished then consecrate it by passing it through all four elements(earth, air, fire, and water) and then stating what your purpose of using it shall be. Now, your poppet is ready to be used.

Once you have used your poppet keep it until your goal has been reached, and once it has then dismantle the poppet and burn all remains, making sure to thank the Goddess.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Curing a stomach ache

For common ailments like headaches and stomach aches there are lots of natural remedies. A lot of people just take medicines like aspirin or antacids when they should only take those when the ailment is very powerful. The more you take a certain medicine then the more your body becomes used to it and the less effect it has when you need it. For this post I am going to be focusing on stomach aches because a friend of mine has been getting a lot of stomach aches recently.

For a lot of people, carbonation soothes an upset stomach. Soda is carbonated so you might try drinking some. I wouldn't recommend any sort of cola like coke or pepsi, I would try something with a more citrus flavor. For me, if I have a stomach ache drinking coke only makes it worse. A lot of people, including myself say that ginger ale works well. You could also try plain carbonated water.

A lot of herbs might be able to relieve stomach tension. Peppermint works well, I have had personal experience with this one. Also, I have read that Aloe Vera juice works well. You could try and make some peppermint tea and stir in a little aloe vera juice, almost like adding honey to it. Ginger and chamomile are also supposed to work. You might also try making tea using carbonated water.

Sometimes if you just relax and sit down for a while then you might be able to settle your stomach. Some say that if you put your feet up it helps too. Just take it easy, even if you are feeling better then try and just be calm or else it might come back worse. This would be a good time to try the "mind over matter" exercise I described in my previous post.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mind power

The mind is a very powerful thing, more powerful than most people believe. With your mind you have the ability to overcome physical boundaries. I am not talking about telekinesis where you mentally move objects, although some people claim that it is possible. Have you ever heard the phrase mind over matter? That is what I am talking about. I will give some examples to clear things up.

This winter I was out in the snow and my knees were so cold that they actually hurt. I decided to try out a little exercise. I sat down in the snow and imagined myself being warm. I mentally ignored the cold and replaced it with a false sense of warmth. Of course, my body was still cold as ice, but I temporarily wasn't feeling it.

The other day I was in the car and I had to pee so badly that I worried I might pee in my pants. I mentally overrode my need to pee and just held out until I got home. I was fine, but it was only temporary.

I am sure you could do the same for a headache or any sort of pain. You could do it for lots of things. The key is mind over matter. The mind is very powerful, it is the most powerful tool humans possess.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The art of dreamwalking is being able to control your dreams to a certain extent instead of them being completely random and unrelated to your life. This, like many other things such as meditation, astral projection, scrying, it takes practice. Dreamwalking isn't something you can just master over night, it takes a lot of practice. I am going to give some ideas and tips on how to dreamwalk or get better at it.

Keep a dream journal: Get a blank notebook to record you dreams in and a pen and keep them by your bed so as soon as you wake up you can write down everything you remember from your dream. Being able to remember your dream helps in achieving lucid dreaming where you will be able to think clearly and remember important goals while you are dreaming. You might notice that the more you do this then the easier it gets to remember your dreams and think clearly in your dreams.

Meditate on your purpose: If you have a specific purpose or goal that you wish to achieve in your dreams then meditate on your desire right before you go to sleep. Self hypnotism might also work. I explained how to do this in my previous post on "quitting a bad habit".

Program yourself: Similar to hypnosis, if you have a specific goal you wish to accomplish then you can try and program yourself. You can do this simply by writing your desire or mental command down on a piece of paper and putting it under your pillow while you sleep. You can also repeat your command or mental note again and again verbally or mentally.

Actual practice: If you are in a dream that you find you can think, try and change your thought process. You can also try to imagine your goal or desire and imagine it materializing. Close your eyes and visualize your desire happening and when you open them it should have come true. If you are trying to get a message to somebody for example(I shose this example because I one tried it) then imagine yourself walking through a door to tell that person your message, and they should get your message in their next dream.

Like I said before, this isn't something you can just master over night, it takes practice. Excercises like this are very difficult because they involve taking your spiritual and mental being to a higher level of mentality or spirituality. The more you practice excercises like meditation, astral projection, dreamwalking, etc, the better you get at them and you find that new excercises are very simple to learn. Good luck in your dreamwalking. Blessed be!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quitting a bad habit or addiction

We all have bad habits, some worse than others. Some people like the bad habits, so much that they become impossible to quit, they are then an addiction. The key to quitting a bad habit is in self motivation and restraint. The power to quit is in the mind, and if you don't truly want to and believe that you can quit, then you won't be able to, you will just succumb to your desires and run right back to the addiction.

I am going to use smoking for an example here. My best friend is trying to quit smoking, she smokes about a pack every day, so it is going to be very hard for her to quit. Also, my parents used to smoke, one still does and so I can talk about it more than any other addiction or bad habit.

The steps to take to quit smoking, or whatever bad habit you have is to mentally prepare yourself. You need to tell yourself that you don't need it, that it won't help you. You have to want to get rid of it, you have to believe that you can. One of my bad habits is biting my nails. You are probably thinking "so what, I do it all the time?" but I take it to the extreme. I bite my nails so short that they bleed and get chapped and hurt like crazy, but as soon as they heal I do it again. My solution to it is to just paint my fingernails and get myself into the habit of not biting them until I can go without the nail polish. Usually, there are other solutions or ways to help ease the tension and stress with quitting a bad habit.

One way to stop is to try and hypnotize yourself. Tell yourself that you don't need it, that you don't want it, that you want to stop. Hypnotizing yourself is quite simple really. First, get yourself into a relaxed position, laying down or leaning up against something. Then, meditate for a while and clear your mind. Once you have successfully cleared your mind then take time to relax each body part, starting at your head and relaxing your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and then work your way down your body, relaxing each individual body part. Imagine your muscles relaxing and the tension leaving your body until you are completely relaxed. The whole time you are doing this, keep telling yourself that you are getting more and more relaxed. Finally, once you are completely relaxed then tell yourself that you are tired of the addiction, that you are sick of it, that you don't want to or need to do it anymore. Do this again and again while you are in that vunerable trance, and once you feel you are ready then allow your body to come out of the trance. This isn't supposed to make you completely immune to the habit or addiction, but it should make it easier.

Now, another step to quitting your habit or addiction is to find another hobby, or a good habit. if you are a smoker, then try drinking a lot of tea or chewing gum. There are some anti smoking gums and teas. Try finding some of the herbs and making a tea out of it or chewing on the leaves. There are a lot of solutions, but the main one is to just tell yourself that you are done. Your mind is the key, your willpower. You truly have to want to quit, otherwise you will not be able to overcome your addiction or habit.

I hope I helped and gave you some ideas for where to start. Good luck with overcoming your bad habits and addictions. Blessed be!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Writing your own spells

A lot of witches use spells that have already been written, but do they ever consider where those spells came from? Those spells came from witches just like us. Writing spells is kind of like writing poems. Poems cam be very simple where the meaning stands out clearly, or they can be complicated and be full of deeper meanings. Spells are the same, they can be very simple with a few candles and some quick words and take very little time or they can be complicated using runes, sigils, complicated incantations and invocations.

Because not all spells are alike, I am going to write out a basic template for you so you can get a feel for what sorts of things you might want to use in your spells. Often you can substitute parts of the spell or just completely remove it.

Candles: Most spells call for at least one candle, the color usually relating to the purpose of the spell. Candles aren't necessary, but they are helpful, even if they are only used to illuminate the area. Also, candles help set the mood for spell casting. Even in childrens movies and books, wicked witches stand in a candle lit room preparing whatever concoction or spell. Candles are probably the most common thing to find in any sort of spell or ritual.

Circle: You might want to cast a circle before you do a spell to help protect yourself. When I first started practicing the craft, I never used a circle, I just did it without the circle. Now I am in the habit of always casting a circle. For one, I feel more protected and focused, and two, most of the spells I have done since I started casting circles work, but none of them worked when I didn't cast a circle.

Runes: The common runes represent a wide subject, so there will probably be at least one rune that will fit the purpose of your spell. Runes can be very powerful if they are correctly used, and they are also very simple to use. You can put them on all sorts of things. You can engrave them into candles, write them on paper and burn them, write them in salt water, etc. If I am doing a more advanced spell I will use runes sometimes.

Sigils: Sigils are very similar to runes, but there are a lot more sigils and they are more specific in what they represent. There are tons of sigils and symbols, some that you know by heart and don't even recognize to be sigils, like the pentacle, triple moon, triquetra. Sigils are just symbols that represent a subject, like war, protection, healing, etc. They are used the same as runes.

Incantations: Incantations are phrases that you use to specify your purpose. Abrakadabra is an incantation, although I have no idea what it means. They can be very simple, one or two words, or very complicated with several lines, or somewhere in between. I usually use a medium length incantation that tells my purpose. Incantations are just another way of releasing your energy out into the universe to fulfill your purpose. Many people find strength behind their words more than anything else.

Crystals: Crystals are nature's batteries. They store energy inside of them and have their own properties that we can tune into and use for our purposes. Using crystals is very simple. Each crystal has a different property, or maybe more than one. You can use them by just placing them around you, holding them as you perform the spell, or they can be the main focus of your spell.

Herbs: Herbs, like crystals, also have different properties. Using herbs can be quite simple as well. If you are making something in your spell like a dream pillow for example, then you might want to put some herbs inside of it to help you get into that state of mind where dreams happen. You can also burn them and use the smoke to help send your energies into the universe to fulfill your purpose.

These are just some ideas for you to work with. There are lots more things you can use in spells, but these are just some of the basics. Making your own spells is a skill, but a skill that is easy to master.

Book of Shadows

A Book of Shadows is basically a witch's diary. Your Book of Shadows(BOS) is where you would write down all of your magickal experiences. In it you could put anything from brews, spells, experiences, successes, failures, etc. Your BOS is about your magick and how it is going for you. Often, if your family has a long history of practicing witchcraft then a BOS will be passed down from generation to generation.

In my BOS I will write whatever magickal experiences I've had, ideas for the future, spells that have worked, or just general knowledge that I found to be important.
Your BOS can be written in a blank journal or spiral notebook, it can be on a more fancy journal(there are some journals engraved with pentacles, triquetras, triple moons, and other witchcraft symbols). I use a black folder that has metal tabs that allow you to add or subtract paper as you please. Often, especially for beginners, your beliefs will change and you will want to dispose of any false information in your BOS, that is why I have a BOS that I can add or subtract pages from. To make it a bit more authentic, I painted a pentacle onto the cover with a gold paint marker.
Many witches now have their BOS on their computer. I prefer the traditional paper BOS because I like to write in it by candle light, plus it just seems write to me.
Your BOS is about YOUR magick, not anybody else. Don't let people tell you what you can and cant put in your BOS. Your BOS is your magickal journal so you can put whatever you want into it, I am just trying to give you a feel for what a traditional BOS would be like to help you get started if you don't already have one.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Healing Spell

This spell is for curing sicknesses. I tried it on my best friend a few days ago when she was feeling ill. Her illness started off as a minor cold, but it progressed rapidly. She was having headaches, stomach aches, and she just felt down and out of it. I decided to try a spell to cure her and it worked! The next day she told me that she had no headache, her stomach ache was gone, and her cold symptoms were significantly better. This is the spell I used, but it isn't mine. I got this spell from

A glass jar or container with a lid
powdered cinnamon
green ribbon
small objects to put in the jar, they should be green, white or silver. (you can use anything from beads, crystals, glitter, dried leaves, paper, colored sand, etc.)

Step 1: Cast your circle, make sure to call the quarters. If you don't know how to do this then after you purify your circle with all of the elements, go around to each compass point, starting at east and going clockwise. say the words "Bear witness, spirits of the east, guardians of air". Do this for all of the compass points and close the circle, but south is for fire, west is for water, and north is for earth.

Step 2: Consecrate all items that you are going to use. I wasn't sure how to consecrate them so I skipped this step. The spell still worked.

Step 3: Sprinkle the cinnamon over all of the objects and say
"herb for healing
herb for hope
herb for strength
help me cope
I call on thee spirits of water, earth, fire, and air to aid me in this healing"
To avoid making a mess with the cinnamon, I put all of the objects in the jar first and then sprinkled the cinnamon in the jar and said the words.

Step 4: Bind the green ribbon around the jar or container three times while saying
"Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal"

Step 5: Put all of the objects into the container, put the lid on and shake nine times and say
"Power of healing, I command you, heal (name of person) from all sickness"
I had already put the objects in the jar so I just said the workds and shook the jar.

Step 6: Thank the elements and dismiss the quarters. You can do this by walking around the circle clockwise and stopping at each compass point and saying "Spirits of the East, I dismiss you, thank you for watching over me tonight" and do this with all the compass points. Then, take down the circle as you normally would.

Step 7: When you are done, keep the jar in a safe place. Every time you or somebody you know is sick, then take out the jar and shake it nine times and say
"(name of person) be well, (name of person) be free of sickness"

Monday, March 1, 2010

oil to help relieve pain


I made this oil last night during the full moon. This oil is to help soothe aching muscles. It works best for aches and dull pains, not sharp pains like cuts or scrapes. For this oil I decided to use the solar method where I let it steep in a windowsill where the sun can reach it for two to three weeks, but you could also use the stove top method where you get two pots. Fill the first pot with water and then place the second pot inside of the first. You will put the oil in the second pot. Now, let the water come to a low boil and then let it sit for 30-60 minutes and then store it in an air tight container in somepalce where not a lot of sunlight can reach it.

Okay, here is the recipe for the oil. The mesurments are rough, I didn't measure very carefully.

Step 1: Get a base oil, this can be anything from olive oil, vegetable oil, penut oil, etc. I wouldn't reccomend olive oil because it is expensive, vegetable oil is pretty cheap, that is what I use.

Step 2: Add the measurment of each herb for every cup of oil. 2 TBSP of chamomile leaves, 1 TBSP of catnip leaves, 1 TBSP of spearmint or peppermint or both, 2 tsp of ground ginger, and I also added about 2 TBSP of herbs from a Tazo tea packet. The herbs inside were spearmint, peppermint, blackberry leaves, chamomile, rose petals, hibiscus flowers, lemon balm, safflowers, sasparilla, and licorice root. Just mix all this up with a mortar and pestel, add it to the oil, stir. If you are using the solar method then let it sit in a clear, air tight container for 2-3 weeks, and if you are using the stove top method then let the water in the first pot simmer for 30-60 minutes.

Step 3: If you chose to use the solar method, then once you have waited for 2-3 weeks then you can take the oil away from the windowsill and use it. Now, you might want to strain the oil and get all the herbs out, but you don't have to, some people just prefere it without the herbs.
If you chose to use the stove top method then you can turn off your burner, pour the oil from the second pot into an air tight container. You may strain the herbs, but you don't have to.

Step 4: Enjoy your oil, BUT DO NOT INTAKE IT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM!!!!!!!!!!!