The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spell to make you dream of the one you love

I tried this spell that is supposed to make you dream of the one you love. You are supposed to get something that represents them, and it can be anything from a gift they gave you, a phote of them, or something they said to you written on a piece of paper. Well, I took something they said to me and wrote it down. They I held it to my heart and recited the incantation. I also lit two red candles, even though it didn't specify that in the spell. Once I finished the incantation, I put the piece of paper under my pillow and went to sleep, and during the night the dream came. And I knew it worked because the dream was very similar to what was written on the paper! I was so happy it worked!

I will post the actual spell below so that you can read it off step by step instead of having to search through the paragraph for the steps.

First, take something that symbolizes the person you love(a photo of them, something they gave to you, something they said to you that you wrote down on a piece of paper, etc.) and hold it to youe heart. (It might also help if you light some red candles, that is what I did and it worked for me.) Then say the following incantation:

With these treasured memories,
sweet dreams of you shall come to me.
The way you laugh, the way you smile,
my heart, it skips, it leaps a mile.
Your gentle breath, your tender touch,
I long for you, so very much.
Your lips so soft, your eyes so bright,
I need you on this lonely night.
Let me feel you, smell your scent,
taste your mouth, you're heaven sent.
Close me in your warm embrace,
and make my heart begin to race.
Pull me ever closer, near,
tell me what I need to hear.
Fulfill my every earthly desire,
until my passion roars like fire.
As is my will, this shall be done,
my magick dream has now begun!

Now take the object that symbolizes them and place it under your pillow and go IMMEDIATLEY to sleep and enjoy your dream.(that means don't text one more person, don't go brush your teeth, don't go use the restroom, just undress and go to sleep. Make sure that you have done everything you need to do to prepare for bed before you do this spell.)If the dream doesn't come it is most likely because your desire for this dream wasn't powerful enough.


  1. What is the incantation?

  2. I edited the post so you can read off the spell step by step and I included the incantation. Enjoy!

  3. Firstly, I don't know if english is not your native language or if you are seriously lacking in your spelling skills but either way use spellcheck. Second, the contrast between your thoughts at the beginning of the entry and the spell instructions/incantation is obvious. You did not write it so give credit to whoever did or your stealing their work.
