The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Monday, February 22, 2010

Getting into the magickal mindset

A lot of people struggle with getting into the point where you can actually work your magick. They find thatthoughts just keep interupting their focus, and even once they have blocked out all thoughts they still feel empty and unable to do much. A lot of problems that keep people from getting into that mindset, that state of being where they feel the magick is stress. Stress can come from anywhere and everywhere. It can be coming from family or social issues, relationships or beauty, weight or appearance, anything. First we must eliminate this stress. This can be done by doing daily yoga or taking simple steps to improve whatever situation is troubling you. Maybe you are in a situation where things just seem to be getting worse, it is time to take a step to fix it. It may seem hard and overwhelming, and you might just want to give up, but stand strong because the worse it gets then the more overwhelmed you will become and the harder it will be to fix. Once you start to eliminate these problems, step by step then you should feel that getting to that state of being where magick happens is much easier and natural. Life in general should be easier and more comfortable. All throughout this process try to meditate everyday to relieve some of the stress.
Now, there might be another reason why you just can't seem to get into that magickal mindset. You might be unaware of how to be able to get to that point. You might be lacking the desire to get to that point. It might be that you are under the influence of an entity or some sort of dark magick. If this is thecase then try purifying yourself and your home and se if this clears it up. Another reason that often keeps me from getting to that mindset is the jitters. If you are to hyper then take the time to relax each and every part of your body individually and once you are totally relaxed then try and let your mind flow away into a magickal trance. Goodluck achieving your magickal state and once you do I hope that you bask in the magick!

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