The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Psychic Abilties

Recently I've been looking into what it means to be a psychic, and in only a few days of research, I can tell you a few things that may educate you enough to determine if you really want to take up the practice of being a psychic. First thing is that it is not easy and that just because you may study for years and years, you may not just be able to pull out an accurate reading out of thin air any time you want. The thing about psychic abilities is that the information comes to the psychic, often times in a very timely fashion, often times in a horrible fashion and at an even worse time. Also, psychics can get a lot of information that they really do not want to know, so it isn't all good.
Now, I'm sure that most of you reading this are wondering "I don't care, I just want to know how to get psychic powers." Trust me, I was the same way, but unfortunately, you can't just learn a technique and have it come to you because there aren't any real techniques that are guaranteed to work. I was just as disappointed as I'm sure you will be when you hear this, but developing your psychic powers requires practice, as does most things like drawing, singing, playing an instrument, etc. Those of us who have a passion for it will stick with it, and those who don't will have to find some other way.
The best way to develop your psychic abilities is to sit down regularly(maybe every day, every few days a week, every weekend, etc.) and meditate, focus in on yourself, and then let the information come to you. You cannot force the information to come, that is not how it works, but you can make it easier for it to reach you by removing interference such as appliances(cellphones, TV, computers), cleansing yourself and your aura, grounding yourself before you start, and refraining to intake things that might make you hyper like soda or sugary foods before you practice. It might seem like a lot of nothing is happening and that you are just sitting there trying to focus, but often times those thoughts that come into your mind are things that we obtained through psychic means. At first it may seem like nothing is happening, but if you continue to do this, over time results will show themselves, maybe faster for some than others, but patience is the key. Also, there are some exercises that people recommend, so if you are interested in pursuing the art of psychometry, then you should look into them. Good luck. Maybe someday I'll get a psychic reading telling me how many people who read this were successful lol.