The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Herb Gardens

Many witches decide to grow their own herb garden, myself included. Just this year I have started one and I hope that it flourishes. I started one inside during the winter and it did alright, but the rain came and smashed down all of the living plants so I reseeded them.
First you need to make a plot for it and decide what kinds of plants to put in. Some plants need certain amounts of food or water and sun that differ from other plants so you should know which plants need which so that you can provide and allow your plants to grow better. Also, you must keep in mind about which plants are invasive and wil ltake over your garden and about weeds. Some plants will attract insects like bees so if you need to harvest the it might be better to harvest at night when these insects go back to their hives or homes. Mint is a very common and useful herb, but it is very invasive and it will take over your whole garden so if you want to grow mint, it is best to plant it away from other plants. Also, mint requires very little care because it grows like a weed, but at least you get it frequently.
Remember to take care fo your garden so that it desn't die. If you do all of this then you will have a healthy garden! Good luck.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

rune casting

This is my first entry in a while. I have been really busy with school and haven't been posting recently. Today Fastian(another member of moonweb coven which is my coven) and I tried to do a reading using runes. We started out with simple readings, kind of silly ones but then we got into deeper, more serious readings. I think that it was very succesful and that the readings were quite accurate, though I can't be sure for the future readings yet. Rune casting, although maybe not as accurate as scrying or other methods of divination, it is simpler and faster. It is also more general so you can't figure out who you are gonig to marry or what grade you are gonig to get on your algebra test or things like that. The readings have to be more general. Anyway, just felt like posting this to try and get back into the habit of posting. Blessed be!

Here is a link to a site that describes how runecasting works so you can try it for yourself. It is very simple and quick and doesn't require too much practice, a little but I supose everything does. Anyway, good luck.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spell to get one's visitation removed

I have a friend who is having problems with her father. She feels that she is in danger of going over to his house so I am posting this spell for her.

First, find an area suitable to cast a circle that is large enough to comfortably fit whoever is going to be present. Cleanse the area to prepare for your magick. This can be done several ways. The two most common ways are by sweeping with a besom or by smudging. Once your area is cleansed then cast your circle.

After you have cast your circle then you need to have six candles. Place five of them at even integrals around the circle and place the last one in the center of the circle. Sit down and take some time to meditate and clear your mind so that you are totally focused when casting your spell.

After you have meditated for a while then take some time to gather up some energy. Imagine it as a ball of pure white light. After you have summoned a sufficent amount of energy then recite the incantation.

You are holding me back,
you are causing me stress,
you are causing me pain,
and I want it to end.
I want to be rid of you (name of person),
so that you can never harm me again,
so that I never have to go back to you.
I wish that your visitation would be taken,
and you would be left alone,
as to never bother me again,
so I can live my life in peace.
(name of person) I am done with you,
I am free of you,
and you can never hurt me again.
So mote it be!

As you chant imagine you and that person connected with a thread and then a pair of scissors coming and cutting the thread. Imagine the person drifting away from you, fading away until they are completely out of your mind. After that then take some sort of item that they might have given you, something that resembles them and burn it. It can be anything, as long as it represents them. It can even be their name written on a piece of paper or a photo of them. Once it has burned out thank the goddess, close the circle and then scatter the ashes. It might be good to put the ashes in a bowl so that you can keep track of them when you scatter them. As you scatter them, imagine that person disappearing from your life forever.