The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Scrying is when you gaze into something for a prophetic answer as some sort of image, sort of like an oracle. The object is usually reflective, like water or a black mirrow, a common one is the crystal ball. A lot of people also like to use fire to scry, I have never tried it that way, at least not yet. First thing you need to do it get soem sort of object that will act as your focal point, and this can be a crystal ball, a mirror, etc. My personal favorite is the black mirror, and if you don't have enough money to buy one then you can do what I did. Get a picture frame and remove the glass. Make sure that it is clean first and then take a can of flat black spray paint and paint the back side of the glass. Once it is dry then place the glass back into the frame with the paint facing away from the front and you are done! If you want a crystal ball or a black crystal ball then you can order one online if you can't find a new age shop that sells them. If you don't have the supplies to make or buy any of these then you can use just a bowl of water and some black ink, you don't even have to use ink, it can just be a bowl of water, or a mirror. The excersie is about focusing on something until you get an answer. This can take up to months to master, some people might find it very easy and master it in a few days. If you feel that you are never going to get answers then just keep trying, you have to really focus! If you are using a reflective surface, you can be sure that you are getting progress once your reflection fades and you are just staring at a blank plane. The first step is to clear your mind and once done so then you can begin your scrying. Gaze into your object and try to look past it, like a portal into a further realm, a realm where your anbswers lie. Now, I would recommend getting comfortable because it could be a while before you get any results, and sometimes you won't. It is all in your abilities. Like I said, for some people this will be easier than for others, but even if it takes you a year, that doesn't mean that you are bad at it, it just means that you are as in touch with your spiritual side, and it is perfectly natural!

can't find a new age store?

if you can't find a new age store, there are other ways to stock up on magickal supplies. Your local arts and craft stores like Michaels will have a large collection of candles, bottles, containers, blank books, etc. Also, stores like walmart, target, and K-Mart will also have a lot of supplies that you can use. A lot of supples are commonly found things, new age stores are just there for more uncommon things and to have your common things in one convenient place, also the employees can often provide a lot of advice. Oils, herbs, seeds, containers, incense, all these things can be easily obtained. For more uncommon things like crystals, pendulums, and other rare supplies can be ordered online as well

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spell to Cure Acne

Okay, I read a couple of spells to cure acne, one fo them is from a fiction book about Wicca. Even though the book is informative and is very accurate, I am not going to be using the spell from it. I read another spell from a book I bought the other day, it is not fiction, it is a book all about witchcraft.

Take a white piece of paper and upon it draw a monster. DOn't just draw a little scribble on a piece of paper, actually draw a fearsome and repulsive monster, color it if you want even. Now, just keep in mind that once you have completed the drawing then you need to do the spell immediatley so don't draw the picture until you are sure you will be able to be alonbe and undisturbed for maybe an hour or so. After the picture is completed then hold it up to you and deliberately say "you are my acne!" and imagine this monster on your face just like your acne. Create a circle, lining it with five white candles, and imagine that inside your circle is a pentacle and your white candles are the five points. Now take another white candle and place it in front of you and burn the picture of the monster while chanting:

"You represent my acne,
the thing that kills my beauty.
I want you no more and never again
so I banish you from ever return
leave my face so it is pure
Leave my face you monster!"

That was just a quick incantation I cane up with, if you want to create your own then that is fine, probably even better because it comes from insiude of you. They are your words, and your words used by you are more powerful that anybody else's.
Enjoy this spell, feel free to tell me your results as a comment.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just a reminder of why you should always purify new crystals

Last night I tried the spell to make you dream of the one you love again, if you are unfamiliar of how it works then there is a previous entry all about it which explains the entire process of the spell. So this time I got a photo of the person and held it to my heart, but I also had a piece of rose quartz over it for romance. Later in the nigyht, the dream about the person never came, but instead a bad dream involving a piece of rose quartz did come. I had seen a piece of rose quartz laying on a table so I took it, and then alter the owner of it came looking for it. Words sliupped out that I had taken it and they were trying to beat me up to get it back. I used a piece of rose quartz, that I realized later I forgot to purify and I get a bad dream about it. Never forget to purify your stones after you buy them or else something bad could happen. If I was attempting a more powerful spell, things could have turned out worse, this is just a reminded or why you should always purify stones after you buy them, you never know what sort of energy could be lurking in them!

getting books on witchcraft

Now you may think that books on the subject may be hard to obtain, but it is actually fairly easy. I went in borders today and I found all sorts of books on the subject. I bought two huge books about witchcraft which included just about every aspect of magick there is, and then a smaller book devoted entirely to spells. Large chains like borderes or barnes and nobels(pardon my mispelling because I doubt I spelld that right) will want to please everybody and will definitely have a section devoted to magickal studies where you can find everything from crystals to herbs to dreaming to book of shadows, etc. Before you buy a book though, look at the contents to see what sort of information they have, otherwise you might get a book that you find yourself unable to use.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

rune magick

runes are magickal symbols that have been used for centuries. They each have a meaning and they are a good way of focusing your desire into magick. You can draw them on a piece of paper, etch it into the ground, inscribe them on candles and then burn the candle, there are a lot of ways to use runes effectively and release their power. Here is a list of runes I found, I would type them myself, but there isn't a rune font on here.

there are hundreds of runes, but these are the most common. In order to find some other ones you might have to do some serious research of refrence some incredibly outdated script.

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Visitors' spells

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Healing spell

This is a spell for curing an illness. The effects won't happen immediatley, but they will recover significantly faster.
Take a white candle shaped like a human(if you can't find a human shaped candle a regular one should work). If you want to be specific then the candle can be of the ill person's gender, but it isn't necessary. Engrave the sick person's name on the candle, and if you want maybe a healing rune, or a little phrase like "get better". Anoit it with three drops of myrrh, mint oil can act as a substitute. As you are anoiting it, then imagine white light pouring into the candle from your prescence. Then recite the invocation:

In the divine name of the Goddess who breathes life into all of us,
I consecrate and charge this candle as a tool for healing

Now place this candle on top of a photo of the sick person and light the candle. Imagine that the person is healing and recovering as the candle burns down while reciting the invocation:

magick mend and candle burn,
sickness end, good health return

continue to chant this, still imagining the person becoming well again until the candle burns itself out. You might want a small candle because you probably don't want to be chanting this for an hour or two. Once the candle has burned out then take whatever is left of it and wrap it up in a cloth and bind it with a string, therefore binding the illness and then bury the cloth, thereby burying the illness as well. Good luck and happy healing!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Moon cycles

The moon is very powerful. It gives off an incredible amount of magickal energy, and the amount is determined with each phase of the moon. There are four phases, the new moon, the waxing moon, the full moon, and the waning moon. Now certain spells are better to do during a specific phase of the moon. Now each phase lasts for seven days. Now you are probably thinking, no, the full moon is only full for one day. You are correct, but the full moon "phase" just like all the other phases lasts for seven days, three before, three after, and one day when that phase is the most powerful. For the full moon, that one day would be when the moon was truly full and it's effects would be more powerful than the day after or the day before. Ifr you are incredibly busy and aren't able to do your spell during the exact day, then you have other days to do it.

New Moon: this phase is when the moon cannot be seen in the sky. This phase is used to get rid of something, maybe a bad habit, or a curse, etc.

Waxing Moon: this phase is when the moon is becoming more visible by each day and leading up to the full moon. This phase is used best to gain something, maybe luck, power, love, etc.

Full Moon: This phase is when the moon is fullest. This is when the most amount of magickal influence is radiating off of the moon. You should have better luck with any spell during this phase.

Waning moon: this phase is when the moon is decreasing in visibility and leading to the new moon. This phase is to make things go away, similar to the new moon.

Candle Spells

One of the most common and simple types of spells are candle spells. All you have to do is light a candle, or more than one if you want and then chanting a little wish or desire. You don't even have to chant, you can just imagine your desire coming true, it all depends of how powerful your desire is. One of the best thing about candle spells is that you make them up on your own. They can be as simple or as complicated as you want. You could just light a candle and make a little rhyme, it doesn't even have to ryhme if you don't want it to. You could also have a spell that is repeated for days, it is all about how powerful your desire is. For every color of candle there is a meaning that goes with it.
white, silver: purity, blessing
red: love, sex, romance,
pink: love, honor
blue: healing, peace, calm
orange: changeability
black,grey: discord, anger, confusion
yellow, gold: success, achievement
green: money, luck
purple: mentality, mastery

certain charts are different than others. Most of the colors stay the same with each chart, but certain colors are always different, like black, and blue. I have seen black represent evil, anger, disceord, protection, all sorts of things, and I have seen blue represent depression, changebility, healing, peace. Black and blue candles are relatively uncommon.
Candle spells are very useful, but keep in mind that it isn't the candle with the power, it's you. The spell will work as well as you make it. It is all about how much you want your wish to come true, not about how long or somplicated the spell is. The power is in YOU!


Of of the most basic things in witchcraft, that I now realize I should have put maybe as the second post, is meditation. The point of meditation is to clear your mind of all thoughts. Of course there is the saying "let me meditate on that" which means that they meed to sit and think for a while about it. The meditation mostly used in magick involves sitting down in the lotus position and attempting to clear your mind of all thoughts and not let any reenter your mind. It is relatively difficult to do for many people, like me at first because you find that you start to think about things and you don't really realize it. To be able to just sit and "be" requires practice. Many people light candles, incense(but I prefer to use herbs because of the health benefits), turn on some meditation music, etc. It is all unnecessary, but for some people it helps them. If you feel like doing any of these things then go ahead, try different methods out and see what works best for you. For me, I just sit down, turn off the lights, light a few candles and begin. Now, my technique is to focus on nothing but listening to my breathing until all other thoughts are out of my head, then once I am confident that they won't return I slowly stop listening to my breathing and just "be". Since I have only used the method I described before, which works fine for me, I haven't really experienced many other methods so you might want to check out some other methods. I will post some links to websites that explain the process probably better than I can.
in the link above it describes a method very similar to the one I use.

whatever method you chose, I wish you luck. From personal experience, it is better to meditate before you do any magickal exercises because it settles any stressful problems or worried thoughts you might have which allows you to focus better on the exercise at hand. Good luck!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Herbal aromas

One of the things I find useful is the aroma of herbs. I found at the dollar store a simmer pot. It has a base where you can put a tea light and from the base two metal rods hold a small metal bowl about three inches above the base. You are supposed to fill the bowl with scented oils and light the candle to produce a comforting aroma, but I find that a maxture of crushed herbs and water works just as well, also the herbs have magickal properties of their own and they help to produce a certain desired feeling. Herbs have specific properties, just like gemstones. Certain herbs are sued for relaxation, stimulation, romance, purity, etc. And these herbs cane be used in all forms. I find that these herbs can also help add to the mood of whatever type of activity you are doing. If I am doing a spell, or even just meditating then I will usually use the simmer pot to make a mixture to help me get into the mood. I usually just grind them up using the mortar and pestel. If you aren;t sure where to get these herbs, a lot of them can be found at your local grocery store. Even common spices like cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, basil, cumin, anise, and many more have magickal properties and can be used in many magickal activities. Another reason I use herbs for an aroma and not incense is because incense puts out harmful chemicals in the smoke, and if you are in a closed room then you are just inhaling toxins. Now, they might not have an immediate effect, but in the long run the chemicals will do your body some serious harm. If you are lacking in supplies I mentioned, like a mortar and pestel, a simmer pot, or the herbs, this can be easily solved. for a simmer pot you could just take a container of boiling water and add herbs to it, or simmer pots can probably be found cheep at local stores. Herbs, like I mentioned before can be found in the spice section of grocery stores, but a lot of more uncommon herbs have to be found some other way, maybe purchased online, or you could get seeds and grow your own! Mortal and pestels are a very useful tool used in witchcraft and if you don't have on then I would advise getting one, but in the meantime you can try to crush the herbs with a dull object, but you will want to keep them inside of a container so they won't make a huge mess, maybe a ziploc bag.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

locating a new age shop

Often in town and cities, there is a new age shop that carries a lot of witchcraft supplies. If you live in a college town they are more common. Towns that are very eco friendly and gay accepting will most likely have one. I am not making any steryotypes here, I am just saying that the shops do better in locations like that so if you live in a town like that, or know of one close by, then see if you can locate a new age shop. A lot of times they will have names from Pagan gods or just a name that sounds new age like Midnight Moon, or Raven Tree, or Athena. The one in my town is called Athena which is why I named that one, but look into it and you might be surprised!

Crystal magick

I have been collecting crystals for a while now. Just recently did I find out how useful they are. Crystals are naturally formed objects, each one with their own magickal property or properties. They can be used in many different ways, like using them to form the boundary of a circle, to help heal you, to soothe stress, to use in spells, rituals, etc. One of my favorite crystals is amethyst, if you hold it up to your head when you have a headache then it will cure yor headache. Just imagine the ache seeping into the crystal where it can't harm you. A lot of, if not most new age shops have large selections of crystals to chose from that are usually relatively cheap. Also, you might want to check out a list of gemstones and what magickal properties they posses before you go in and buy some. Here is a link to a website that lists them.
Also, keep in mind that after you get a new stone, that you should cleanse it because crystals pick up energy like a sponge and with all sorts of people who go in the store picking them up and looking at them, you never know what kind of energies they posses. Also you want to cleanse them so that they absorb your energy, that way they will be easier for YOU to work with. here is a link to a website that explains several methods of purifying gemstones.
I prefere to place them in salt water and leave it in the sun.

Spell to make you dream of the one you love

I tried this spell that is supposed to make you dream of the one you love. You are supposed to get something that represents them, and it can be anything from a gift they gave you, a phote of them, or something they said to you written on a piece of paper. Well, I took something they said to me and wrote it down. They I held it to my heart and recited the incantation. I also lit two red candles, even though it didn't specify that in the spell. Once I finished the incantation, I put the piece of paper under my pillow and went to sleep, and during the night the dream came. And I knew it worked because the dream was very similar to what was written on the paper! I was so happy it worked!

I will post the actual spell below so that you can read it off step by step instead of having to search through the paragraph for the steps.

First, take something that symbolizes the person you love(a photo of them, something they gave to you, something they said to you that you wrote down on a piece of paper, etc.) and hold it to youe heart. (It might also help if you light some red candles, that is what I did and it worked for me.) Then say the following incantation:

With these treasured memories,
sweet dreams of you shall come to me.
The way you laugh, the way you smile,
my heart, it skips, it leaps a mile.
Your gentle breath, your tender touch,
I long for you, so very much.
Your lips so soft, your eyes so bright,
I need you on this lonely night.
Let me feel you, smell your scent,
taste your mouth, you're heaven sent.
Close me in your warm embrace,
and make my heart begin to race.
Pull me ever closer, near,
tell me what I need to hear.
Fulfill my every earthly desire,
until my passion roars like fire.
As is my will, this shall be done,
my magick dream has now begun!

Now take the object that symbolizes them and place it under your pillow and go IMMEDIATLEY to sleep and enjoy your dream.(that means don't text one more person, don't go brush your teeth, don't go use the restroom, just undress and go to sleep. Make sure that you have done everything you need to do to prepare for bed before you do this spell.)If the dream doesn't come it is most likely because your desire for this dream wasn't powerful enough.

First Post!

This is my first post on this blog, which I created just yeasterday! I hope that whoever visits this site, even for a second can say that they learned something from it. I am hoping that this blog will turn into a way for people to share spells, recipes, knowledge, and tips for each other. If this is accomplished I think that everyone, including myself will be able to benefit! Happy posting!