The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just a reminder of why you should always purify new crystals

Last night I tried the spell to make you dream of the one you love again, if you are unfamiliar of how it works then there is a previous entry all about it which explains the entire process of the spell. So this time I got a photo of the person and held it to my heart, but I also had a piece of rose quartz over it for romance. Later in the nigyht, the dream about the person never came, but instead a bad dream involving a piece of rose quartz did come. I had seen a piece of rose quartz laying on a table so I took it, and then alter the owner of it came looking for it. Words sliupped out that I had taken it and they were trying to beat me up to get it back. I used a piece of rose quartz, that I realized later I forgot to purify and I get a bad dream about it. Never forget to purify your stones after you buy them or else something bad could happen. If I was attempting a more powerful spell, things could have turned out worse, this is just a reminded or why you should always purify stones after you buy them, you never know what sort of energy could be lurking in them!

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