The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


   Though real witches may not be able to flick a wand and clean up a house in seconds like in Harry Potter, however, we do use wands and other instruments to direct energy, which may be the difference from a successful or failed spell. Now, when choosing or crafting a wand, you may go and find a stick and choose it as your wand and do nothing more to alter it, however, there are several things to take into consideration when making or choosing a wand. The type of wood(if the wand is made of wood) is something very important to take into consideration. Different types of wood are better for different types of magic, so when choosing your wand, you may want to look up magical properties of woods. Another thing to consider are crystals, which many people embed into their wand or fasten to the tip. Crystals are great for directing energy, better than wood, and they also have various metaphysical properties that will influence what type of magic your wand is best for. Some people use just a length of crystal for their wand, and crystal wands are also very effective, however, often times they are not as ornamental as wooden or metal wands, which brings us to our next point; metal! Metal is one of the best materials for directing energy, especially copper and many people take a wooden wand wrapped with copper wire and tipped with a crystal point. The wonderful thing about wands is that the type of wand you want is up to you and you may find any number of wands that appeal to the eye and are more than acceptable for directing energy. Do a little research on wands and see what you find, you just may be amazed.