The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tarot and divination

The art of divination is to obtain information through ritual or some other form of scientifically unproven method. Some of these methods include scrying(looking into a crystal ball or another object as a focal point, usually reflective or transparent), tarot readings, readings using a set of runes, reading tea leaves, Ouija boards, or many other forms. Those were just the most common forms of divination that I could think of.
The art of divination requires practice and intense study. You won't be able to read a three paragraph article on how to read tarot on the internet and then do a reading correctly, it requires tons of practice as do most forms of divination. Some people spend years studying these forms of divination and though you probably wont need to study it for ten years just to do a reading, the people who do take that time to study and practice it are the ones who will get the best results because they will have better experience interpreting the results. As you do readings you learn from your experiences from examining what the results are, whether they are correct or false and then you can figure out where you might have interpreted wrong.
Before trying to purchase anything you might need for divination, read up a little on it and see if it sounds like something you would really like to commit to. Either way, divination is a complicated form of magick but if you take the time to learn it then it can be very enjoyable and you will most likely be glad you learned it.

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