The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Monday, March 29, 2010

Curing a stomach ache

For common ailments like headaches and stomach aches there are lots of natural remedies. A lot of people just take medicines like aspirin or antacids when they should only take those when the ailment is very powerful. The more you take a certain medicine then the more your body becomes used to it and the less effect it has when you need it. For this post I am going to be focusing on stomach aches because a friend of mine has been getting a lot of stomach aches recently.

For a lot of people, carbonation soothes an upset stomach. Soda is carbonated so you might try drinking some. I wouldn't recommend any sort of cola like coke or pepsi, I would try something with a more citrus flavor. For me, if I have a stomach ache drinking coke only makes it worse. A lot of people, including myself say that ginger ale works well. You could also try plain carbonated water.

A lot of herbs might be able to relieve stomach tension. Peppermint works well, I have had personal experience with this one. Also, I have read that Aloe Vera juice works well. You could try and make some peppermint tea and stir in a little aloe vera juice, almost like adding honey to it. Ginger and chamomile are also supposed to work. You might also try making tea using carbonated water.

Sometimes if you just relax and sit down for a while then you might be able to settle your stomach. Some say that if you put your feet up it helps too. Just take it easy, even if you are feeling better then try and just be calm or else it might come back worse. This would be a good time to try the "mind over matter" exercise I described in my previous post.


  1. Thank you! This helped a lot. I've been looking for something to help with my stomach ache. Very informative. :D

  2. i tried, but none of the ailments seem to work D:
