The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Friday, March 12, 2010

Writing your own spells

A lot of witches use spells that have already been written, but do they ever consider where those spells came from? Those spells came from witches just like us. Writing spells is kind of like writing poems. Poems cam be very simple where the meaning stands out clearly, or they can be complicated and be full of deeper meanings. Spells are the same, they can be very simple with a few candles and some quick words and take very little time or they can be complicated using runes, sigils, complicated incantations and invocations.

Because not all spells are alike, I am going to write out a basic template for you so you can get a feel for what sorts of things you might want to use in your spells. Often you can substitute parts of the spell or just completely remove it.

Candles: Most spells call for at least one candle, the color usually relating to the purpose of the spell. Candles aren't necessary, but they are helpful, even if they are only used to illuminate the area. Also, candles help set the mood for spell casting. Even in childrens movies and books, wicked witches stand in a candle lit room preparing whatever concoction or spell. Candles are probably the most common thing to find in any sort of spell or ritual.

Circle: You might want to cast a circle before you do a spell to help protect yourself. When I first started practicing the craft, I never used a circle, I just did it without the circle. Now I am in the habit of always casting a circle. For one, I feel more protected and focused, and two, most of the spells I have done since I started casting circles work, but none of them worked when I didn't cast a circle.

Runes: The common runes represent a wide subject, so there will probably be at least one rune that will fit the purpose of your spell. Runes can be very powerful if they are correctly used, and they are also very simple to use. You can put them on all sorts of things. You can engrave them into candles, write them on paper and burn them, write them in salt water, etc. If I am doing a more advanced spell I will use runes sometimes.

Sigils: Sigils are very similar to runes, but there are a lot more sigils and they are more specific in what they represent. There are tons of sigils and symbols, some that you know by heart and don't even recognize to be sigils, like the pentacle, triple moon, triquetra. Sigils are just symbols that represent a subject, like war, protection, healing, etc. They are used the same as runes.

Incantations: Incantations are phrases that you use to specify your purpose. Abrakadabra is an incantation, although I have no idea what it means. They can be very simple, one or two words, or very complicated with several lines, or somewhere in between. I usually use a medium length incantation that tells my purpose. Incantations are just another way of releasing your energy out into the universe to fulfill your purpose. Many people find strength behind their words more than anything else.

Crystals: Crystals are nature's batteries. They store energy inside of them and have their own properties that we can tune into and use for our purposes. Using crystals is very simple. Each crystal has a different property, or maybe more than one. You can use them by just placing them around you, holding them as you perform the spell, or they can be the main focus of your spell.

Herbs: Herbs, like crystals, also have different properties. Using herbs can be quite simple as well. If you are making something in your spell like a dream pillow for example, then you might want to put some herbs inside of it to help you get into that state of mind where dreams happen. You can also burn them and use the smoke to help send your energies into the universe to fulfill your purpose.

These are just some ideas for you to work with. There are lots more things you can use in spells, but these are just some of the basics. Making your own spells is a skill, but a skill that is easy to master.

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