The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

choosing your stone

Gemstones play a very large and important role in witchcraft for many people, including myself. They each have their own properties to them and can be used to aid you in different ways according to those properties, but one commonly asked question is "how do I find my stone?" Every person has a stone that they work best with, but sometimes finding it can be difficult and you are probably wondering, how am I supposed to know which one is mine? You don't chose your stone, your stone chooses you. One way of doing this is to browse through a large selection of stones and just see if any of them catch your eye, if any of them just feel right when you hold them, if you feel happy, pleased, or safe when holding it, these are all signs to let you know if the stone is right to you. Each stone has its own enrgies and vibrations and you can pick up on those. It may seem crazy, but if you hold them and clear your mind, becoming one with the stone, then you can actually feel the vibrations of the stone and some of its properties working on you! I am still working on finding my stone, but I think it might be flourite. I have this one piece of flourite and for the longest time I stared at its odd color, trying to decipher what stone it was. When I was seeing what sort of vibrations it had, I also noticed that it was making me feel very calm and relaxed, logical, and that is one of the properties of flourite. I figured all of this out later when I looked it up, but I am convinced that it is my stone. Anyway, good luck with finding your stone. If you feel like you may never find it, or that you don't have one then don't be worried or scared, once you find it then you will know it is right for you.

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