The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Conjuring Pure Energy

Ethnicity, culture, beleifs, all of these things seperate the world, but one thing every person alive has in common is energy! Energy flows through all of us and we can harness that energy and use it in magick! One of the most common and helpful things in magick is conjuring energy. I am going to teach you about the basics of conjuring energy.
First thing you want to do is cast a circle. If you are unaware of how to do this I have made an earlier entry with step by step instructions for casting and releasing a circle. Once you have succesfully cast your circle then sit down in the center of it and start with some meditation to clear your mind of all thoughts. I have made an entry on meditation also. I prefere to use the breathing method where you concentrate on nothing except your breathing and once you have banished all other thoughts from your mind and succesfully kept a clear mind for a few minutes, slowly try and unfocus on your breathing and just "be".

Now, rub your hands together until they are warm and then close them together. Imagine pure white light forming inside of them and slowly pull your hands apart, imagining the energy growing into a big sphere. If you struggle with imagining this, then just try and feel the energy. You will know that the energy is there when you get a tingling sensation in your palms. Also, your body should start to feel war, and tingly as well because the energy is flowing from your body to the space between your hands. As your energy grows then you will be able to feel it pushing against your body, it should feel warm and comforting. If you are outside then you can imagine pure white energy flowing from the plants and ground into the area between your palms, and this method works just as well, I have tried both.

Remeber, practice makes perfect so keep practicing this. Your control of energy will become much more powerful, but you must remember that it requires a lot of focus and patience. This is something that could take days, weeks, months to master, it is all in your personal skill. If you feel that you will never get it, that nothing is happening, that is normal. It might take a while to get a hang of this. Try some other sourses as well. Maybe this method isn't right for you. Whenever I learn a new technique, I usually check a few other sources so I can get some other info and advice. Also, you must keep in mind that we are working with magick, there is no instruction manual for it. The only way to work magick is for you to do it. People can give you tips and point you in the right direction, but it is you who is doing the magick. Fancy tools and spell books are useless if you don't practice the craft. This is something that is different for everyone so nobody can tell you if your progress is wrong. Magick is something that requires spiritual power, and with society rapidy becoming more technological, spiritual power is becoming a lot less common and powerful in people.

Now, back to the energy ball excercise. Once you feel that you are getting good at conjuring raw energy then try some other excersises. If you can get another person then you can try passing or thorwing your energy ball back and forth. You can try tossing it up into the air and catching it by yourself. There are all sorts of excercises that you can try, you can make them up on your own. A lot of healing uses raw energy so you can try healing people, or yourself. If you have a cut or scrape then try focusing your energy to that spot on your body. Getting a feel for working with energy is the goal here, and there is no limit to your power so practice, practice, PRACTICE!

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